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Learn more about the area with Nesbitt Realty’s Guide to Northern Virginia Real Estate

A comprehensive guide to the real estate, communities, assets, features and benefits of living in Northern Virginia

Northern Virginia

Our agents live and work in Northern Virginia. Learn more about the real estate and communities where we have special expertise and experience.

Shenandoah Valley

Our principal broker grew up in the Shenandoah Valley and keeps a home there now. Learn more about real estate and communities that Nesbitt Realty serves in the Shenandoah Valley:


Our Guide provides an abundance of information about communities, neighborhoods and properties in Northern Virginia. Our data is curated by local experienced Realtors working for a small family-run brokerage in the area.

We present hard, sometimes surprising, facts about the current state of the market based upon the latest data from listings and settlements in this area.  In addition to providing in-depth charts and data about each city, town, county and community in the area, we also provide detailed information about various features and benefits of living in each of these communities.